Mostra Competitiva Nacional
This exhibition showcases animations produced in Brazil. Generally productions from two years prior to the current edition of the festival.
They serve as a platform to highlight local talent and promote the national animation industry.
Works can encompass a variety of styles, techniques and genres. The films are received through the Filmfreeway platform and are selected by professional curators in the animation field.
During the festival, the technical jury analyzes these works and awards the following categories:
Best Film (official jury), Best Film (popular jury), Best direction, Best Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Sound Design, Best Musical Score, Best Animation Technique and Best Press Award.

International Competitive Show
In the international competitive exhibition, animations from around the world are displayed, representing the cultural and creative diversity of the art of global animation.
The works are selected based on criteria such as artistic quality, originality, technical innovation and narrative.
Just like the national competitive show, the international show can also be divided into several categories for awards, allowing different types of animation to be recognized and celebrated.
It also has prizes for:
Best Film (official jury), Best Film (popular jury), Best direction, Best Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Sound Design, Best Musical Score, Best Animation Technique and Best Press Award.

Mostra goiana
A mostra de animação goiana, na verdade, veio como uma transformação da Panorama da animação goiana, mostra que contemplou a programação nas últimas edições do festival.
But with the need and importance of reaffirming films produced outside the RJ-SP axis, the decision to expand the exhibition to include other states in the CONNE region, this new exhibition appears.

Gondwana Show
The idea came from a meeting with curator Kalor, who has extensive experience with research into black animated cinema.
The Gondwana Exhibition brings together films from African and American countries, focusing on animation made by racialized people in these countries, including native peoples. “Gondwana, then, means the resumption of the union of these two territories”.

Partner Exhibitions
Partner exhibitions come from partnerships with other festivals in each edition of the festival.
The idea is to propose an exchange of cultures through animation. Bringing the best of another festival to the Lanterna Mágica audience.

Show feature films
Feature films invited by a specialized curator from Lanterna Mágica, to make up this exhibition, together with a debate and case study on the process of creation and/or production of the films.

Mostra Infantil
Filmes de curta-metragem nacionais e internacionais com classificação indicativa livre pensados exclusivamente para as crianças frequentadoras do festival. Essa mostra é para toda a família.

Sessão Escola
A sessão escola é muito parecida com a mostra infantil, mas a diferença aqui é que o público é exclusivo das escolas públicas de ensino de Goiânia e Goiás.

Latin American exhibition
Animations from all over Latin America, representing the cultural and creative diversity of art da animação latino americana. As obras são selecionadas com base em critérios como qualidade artística, originalidade, inovação técnica e narrativa.

Mostra de Inteligência Artificial
Inovando mais uma vez, o Lanterna Mágica cria uma mostra com filmes feitos exclusivamente com ferramentas de inteligência artificial.
Junto à mostra, sempre teremos debates importantes com profissionais atuantes neste mercado, formas de aprender, implementar, aprimorar e entender os direitos deste mercado de IA.